This video follows Deo Komakech of the Refugee Law Project as he records testimony among a community whose voice has been largely ignored. Deo listens as ordinary people reveal to him “secrets that were hidden in my heart.” And so begins a tentative process that is fundamental to any hopes of building a stable and secure society. As Deo says, Uganda must confront its past “in order to move forward and have a sustained peace.” I made this video as part of a multi-media project called “In Kony’s Shadow,” examining the legacy of northern Uganda’s 20-year conflict.
This video follows Deo Komakech of the Refugee Law Project as he records testimony among a community whose voice has been largely ignored. Deo listens as ordinary people reveal to him “secrets that were hidden in my heart.” And so begins a tentative process that is fundamental to any hopes of building a stable and secure society. As Deo says, Uganda must confront its past “in order to move forward and have a sustained peace.” I made this video as part of a multi-media project called “In Kony’s Shadow,” examining the legacy of northern Uganda’s 20-year conflict.